by We Evolution | Jan 13, 2022 | WeBlog
Our monthly newsletter for January is out! Do not miss our incredible new program opportunities, powerful activities and inspiring articles chosen specially for our WE Evolution Members.
Welcome back and happy 2022! We would love to catch you up on the WE Evolution news and explore together how you can participate and what would benefit you the most from our upcoming programs according to your goals so we can help you reap the benefits of this year.
Don’t miss out on all the opportunities we have for you in January, specially the registration for the 7th Vital Voices Hybrid Mentoring Walk | Talk. We look forward to seeing you take advantage of these offerings in 2022 and beyond!
To read our English version of the newsletter, follow the link below:
To read our Spanish version of the newsletter, visit:
by We Evolution | Jan 13, 2022 | WeBlog
Our monthly newsletter for March is out! We tell you all about the 7th Annual Global Mentoring Walk of International Women’s Day!
We are now at the beginning of the year, therefore since we want to keep building the connection, this issue we present you with some of the opportunities you can find in our year-long program and strengths through our exclusive programs and initiatives in the remainder of 2022. there are advantage of!
Take a look!
by We Evolution | Dec 8, 2021 | WeBlog
Our monthly newsletter for December is out! Do not miss our incredible new program opportunities, powerful activities and inspiring articles chosen specially for our WE Evolution Members.
We are proud to come to this time of the year and look back and see all that we lived and evolved together. We are what we are thanks to the effort of each and every one of us.
Don’t miss out on all the opportunities we have for you in December. We are sure that there is much to continue working on this end of the year, and we are happy to continue doing it together!
To read our English version of the newsletter, follow the link below:
To read our Spanish version of the newsletter, visit:
by We Evolution | Nov 10, 2021 | WeBlog
Our monthly newsletter for November is out! Do not miss our incredible new program opportunities, powerful activities and inspiring articles chosen specially for our WE Evolution Members.
We are now in the final stretch of the year, and we want to keep building on your skills and strengths through our exclusive programs and initiatives in the remainder of 2021. There are still opportunities to take advantage of!
Don’t miss out on all the opportunities we have for you in November. We are sure that there is much to continue working on this end of the year, and we are happy to continue doing it together!
To read our English version of the newsletter, follow the link below:
To read our Spanish version of the newsletter, visit:
by We Evolution | Nov 2, 2021 | WeBlog
¡Tenemos una invitación que no te puedes perder!
Celebrando nuestra nueva alianza estratégica con Mastercard, y con el apoyo de más de 40 ejecutivas comprometidas y exitosas de la compañía, estamos lanzando un nuevo programa de mentoreo virtual para apoyar e impulsar a mujeres emprendedoras y estudiantes de América Latina y el Caribe, Mastercard Mentoring Program: “IMPULSANDO TU PROYECTO”.
No te pierdas esta oportunidad de recibir la ayuda y el impulso que necesitas para llevar tu proyecto o emprendimiento al siguiente nivel. Tu mentora te está esperando para brindarte su tiempo, sus conocimientos y experiencia, y guiarte hacia el éxito profesional, académico y personal. ¡No esperes más y únete!
Mujeres de toda la región de América Latina y el Caribe son bienvenidas. Lo importante es que cuentes con un reto o desafío detectado -ya sea en tus primeros pasos profesionales o tu negocio– listo para conversarlo y analizarlo con tu mentora confidencialmente. Sabemos que conectadas, nuestro poder se expande, por eso es hora de conectarte con mujeres inspiradoras.
Estaremos regalándote hasta 10 sesiones de una hora de mentoreo virtual, disponibles a usarse a conveniencia en los siguientes seis meses. Las sesiones se darán de manera periódica, cada una o dos semanas, según acuerdes con tu mentora asignada. Es fundamental que los tiempos y horarios les convengan a ambas, por lo cual nuestro programa resulta sumamente personalizable.
Renovando nuestro compromiso de empoderar y potenciar las habilidades de liderazgo de la mujer, estamos muy felices de contar con Mastercard a bordo de nuestro nuevo proyecto de apoyo a pequeñas emprendedoras, estudiantes y jóvenes mujeres con alto potencial. Sabemos que eres una de ellas, así que no dejes pasar más tiempo, ¡ven y ocupa tu lugar!
Puedes inscribirte a nuestro programa a través del siguiente enlace antes del 19 de noviembre del 2021:
Los cupos son limitados, así que asegura tu lugar lo antes posible. No dudes en compartir con mujeres de tu red que puedan beneficiarse con esta iniciativa.
¡Te esperamos!
Equipo WE Evolution
WE Evolution | Vital Voices Miami
by We Evolution | Sep 24, 2021 | WeBlog
Volunteer Committee | Global Mentoring Walk 2022
Location: Remote work with access to technology to enable this & on-site work in Miami.
Status: minimum of 4 hours per week from October 2021 to March 31st 2022 (6 months), with a higher load during the 6 weeks previous to the event.
Would you like to make an impact on young women, students and entrepreneurs through an incredible mentoring event? Would you like to share your time and talent to create an inspiring experience for high-potential leaders and contribute to women empowerment all around Latin America and the U.S.? Would you like to be a part of a life changing non-profit organization that allows you to positively impact the community?
Vital Voices Miami is the chapter of Vital Voices Global partnership, the leading non-governmental organization that identifies, trains and empowers emerging women leaders and social entrepreneurs around the globe, enabling them to create a more equitable world.
Vital Voices Miami is an independent organization that shares Vital Voices’ vision and mission, embodying the “pay it forward” principle and it’s program is conducted through WE Evolution, 501 c (3) organization based in South Florida, whose mission is empowering women from within. Aligned with the mission of Vital Voices, we conduct independent programming and fundraising, establishing strategic partnerships and dynamic networks of women leaders. We believe that mentoring is a critical activity to empower women to succeed as leaders and to create opportunities at a local scale.
The call is open for active and generous women who are willing to donate their time and energy to contribute to the organization and logistics of the 7th edition of the Vital Voices Miami Global Mentoring Walk 2022. The event will be held in a hybrid format, on-site (Miami) and online (via Zoom). There are several types of roles that you can sign up for, taking into account your different abilities and strengths.
- GENERAL COORDINATOR: In direct contact with Maria Gabriela Hoch (Founder & CEO WE | VVM). With responsibility for leading the committee.
- HEAD OF MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA: Think and execute communication and advertising strategies before and after the event.
- HEAD OF LOGISTICS: Have a permanent control of the execution of the event, times and links between the parties involved.
- HEAD OF COMMUNICATIONS: Promote and ensure permanent and efficient communication with institutions involved, sponsors, volunteers and the organization; as well as public and journalistic communications for publicity and official announcements of the event.
- HEAD OF PUBLIC RELATIONS: Organize fundraising & boost Strategic Alliances.
- MENTEES COORDINATOR: Contact with universities, entrepreneurs, call for young women.
- MENTORS COORDINATOR: Call for mentors and established women leaders willing to share their experience and guide other women towards personal and professional success.
Can I join the committee at any time during the project?
Yes, although it would be better if you could join us as soon as possible. There are many things to do and we can’t wait for you to share your talents with us!
Can I help if I don’t picture myself in any of the roles?
If you do not find a role that fits your skills, do not hesitate to write to us and comment on them and your possible contribution to the event, all participation is appreciated.
And what do I earn by participating as a volunteer?
Beyond the joy of contributing to building a fairer world with empowered women leaders, you will be having a great experience of volunteering together with women from all over the world. In addition, an invaluable network of contacts awaits you to propel your own professional career and personal life to the next level. You will also be joining an organization made up of and for women, a safe space where you can learn and empower yourself through our programs and initiatives all over the year. And last but not least, we assure you that you will be having an incredible time!
How can I enroll?
Please fill out the form so that we can meet and contact you regarding the role you are interested in:
Maria Gabriela Hoch
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