We are proud to share that WE Evolution had the pleasure to align and participate in IGNITE, an amazing pro bono coaching initiative of the ICF South Florida Chapter in Miami. In partnership with ICF we were able to launch an wonderful program, proving our active commitment to form lasting partnerships fruitful and beneficial to our community. 10 of our members were gifted a once-in-a-lifetime experience, where they received 200 hours of pro bono coaching in 10 coaching sessions, an equivalent of up to $15,000. This coaching opportunity gave us more co-power between our leaders and allowed us to see further on how to continue providing great service and generating growth and community in South Florida.
WE members that attended experienced significant improvement and transformation in diverse areas. According to the extremely successful results that ICF shared with us, each coachee was very positive about their experience and reported significant growth of up to 60%. The most common themes were increased confidence +50% and improved job performance/productivity by +43%. Other achievements included better relationships, up to 60% improvement on work/life balance, website launch, increased energy +60% and improved consciousness.
Our founder and CEO, Maria Gabriela Hoch, accurately depicted the impact that the program had on our community:
“IGNITE allowed us to connect with women who are committed to “using their power to empower,” which is precisely our mantra at We Evolution and Vital Voices Miami. It was wonderful gift to have been able to make this partnership with ICF, an organization that gave us the possibility to look at ourselves from the inside out, to connect with our inner voice, to take the time to deep dive in our what our lives really look like, and to grow more cohesively and more connected as a team”.
We are determined to keep telling more successful partnership stories with you. Hence, we will ensure that our relationship with ICF continues to be one that helps our local and global community through need-meeting-and-exceeding programs.
Here are some of the wonderful things that several coachees, including WE Member Wendy Ruis Cofino, have to say about Ignite:
” Today I want to share with you how wonderful is to incorporate a professional coach to work with and make the most out of your career and life. Working withe Clare Merlo has been amazing to say the least. After all the sessions I leave with a sense of organization and clarity that allows me to feel empowered and trust that I can make the things I need in my life happen. One thing I always feel is: I have my house with everything I need but this house is not organized at all and it is difficult to live happy in it… after the sessions I felt like my house was clean, organized and that I can live and thrive in it with the very same things I already had but this time taking advantage of them. I am so grateful for all the learning about myself and what I can accomplish. I cannot say thank you enough to Maria Gabriela Hoch and WEvolution for allowing me to be a part of the Ignite Coaching Program” – Wendy Ruiz Cofino
“It was a pleasure working with [coach] Charlene. She guided me through a meaningful process by asking the right questions and giving me space to think, act and react. I appreciate every single one of the sessions we had together because I left with at least one new tool from each one. Charlene has a very encouraging way of listening and is very attentive to all the details.” – Anonymous Coachee
“[Coach] Yolanda is a great professional, close, kind and understanding. She is helping me organize my ideas at work, as well as organizing my day-to-day tasks. From the first session we connected very well, and she earned my trust. She has a great ability to follow up our work exhaustively. She is patient and flexible and has adapted to my needs, considering that my work has no pre-established schedule, which many times implies some improvisation. Working with her has been a learning experience of what a coach can do, as she helps me organize my ideas and prioritize my work to realize maximum benefits. I am very grateful.” – Anonymous Coachee
“I love the process. This is the first time I have this framework. My experience so far is that I always set the same goals year after year. I found it very helpful to break the goals down and measure them. (I have even shared this with friends). I like the concept of SMART goals that we used in coaching. I only thought about goal setting for business and now I realize I can use SMART goals for personal development and life. This has changed my mindset.” – Anonymous Coachee

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