by We Evolution | Sep 13, 2021 | WeBlog
Our monthly newsletter for September is out! Do not miss our incredible new program opportunities, powerful activities and inspiring articles chosen specially for our WE Evolution Members.
We know that our community is formed by both high-potential women who can use a helping hand, and established leaders with an interest in paying it forward through mentoring and networking. Above all, we pride ourselves on being the bridge that connects each other, and allows them to continue growing and developing together.
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To read our English version of the newsletter, visit:
by We Evolution | Aug 19, 2021 | WeBlog
Our monthly newsletter for August is out! Do not miss our incredible new program opportunities, powerful activities and inspiring articles chosen specially for our WE Evolution Members.
WE Evolution was born timidly seven years ago, but was formally organized and consolidated on a day like today, three years ago. This movement would not be what it is if it were not for the collaboration and support of so many women who decided to contribute their time, energy and generosity to work for the empowerment, well-being and growth of others, and thus co-create a more equitable and just world. But let’s celebrate not only what we have done so far, but also everything to come!
To read our English version of the newsletter, follow the link below:
To read our Spanish version of the newsletter, visit:
by We Evolution | Aug 13, 2021 | WeBlog
Our monthly newsletter for October is out! Do not miss our incredible new program opportunities, powerful activities and inspiring articles chosen specially for our WE Evolution Members.
I don’t know about you, but for me, October and especially Halloween provide an invitation to bring up and rethink the archetype of the witch. I refuse to believe the tale of evil and harmful witches, but rather vindicate their figure as magicians, alchemists, wise, empowered, free and independent women. Modern witches!
Today we hand all this material and invitations for you. Remember that revolution starts from within, and when we get together, TRUE MAGIC happens!
To read our English version of the newsletter, follow the link below:
To read our Spanish version of the newsletter, visit:
by We Evolution | Jul 10, 2021 | WeBlog
Our monthly newsletter for July is out! Do not miss our incredible new program opportunities, powerful activities and inspiring articles chosen specially for our WE Evolution Members.
July, for me, is an extremely special month. Although the exact date varies around the world, in my country, Argentina, we celebrate Friendship Day on the 20th. Also, on the 30th of this month I will be turning 50 years old. What better time, then, to celebrate ourselves and this incredible community that we have been building? We invite you to honor each of your ties, to care for and strengthen them, in this special month and throughout your life.
To read our English version of the newsletter, follow the link below:
To read our Spanish version of the newsletter, visit:
by We Evolution | Jun 10, 2021 | WeBlog
Our monthly newsletter for June is out! Do not miss our incredible new program opportunities, powerful activities and inspiring articles chosen specially for our WE Evolution Members. WE invite you to work together this June, so that July is a month to replenish our energies and reconnect with ourselves, knowing that we gave everything we could to keep building the world we want to live in.
To read our English version of the newsletter, follow the link below:
To read our Spanish version of the newsletter, visit:
by We Evolution | May 12, 2021 | WeBlog
Our monthly newsletter for May is out! Do not miss our incredible new program opportunities, powerful activities and inspiring articles chosen specially for our WE Evolution Members. Take a stand in May -Mental Health Awareness Month- by investing in your self care and wellness.
To read our English version of the newsletter, follow this link below:
To read our Spanish version of the newsletter, visit:
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