WE Evolution Agendas for 2019 and 2020 are now available! You can access both documents in our website, we-evolution.org. In these, you will be able to find all the events and activities that WE Evolution | Vital Voices have programmed for the next months. Don’t miss...
What It Takes to Be a Leader
After all these years working with female leaders around the world, from different organizations, industries and cultures, I learned that there is a common denominator, in spite of all the differences and special traits. This denominator made me re-think and recognize...
Must-Ask Questions When You Meet a Mentor
Based on my own experience as a mentor and a mentee, the following list summarizes the most effective questions that you can ask to your mentor: 1. What was the best decision you have ever made? What was the worst? 2. What is the one thing you would have wanted to...
The Combatting Power of Mentoring: Fighting Invisible Barriers at Work
Lidia Heller, often in charge of training sessions that Vital Voices offers, proposes forging relationships between mentors and mentees, and she introduces the gender perspective. According to her, the process requires the participants to agree on the mentoring goals...
A Special Thanks to all Mentors
Without having any previous knowledge about mentoring, it turns out that I have had mentors since the beginning of my professional career. A mentor is a person who guides you, directs you and gives you advice on your professional development. It is a person with whom...
WE Evolution Agendas for 2019 and 2020 are now available! You can access both documents in our website, we-evolution.org. In these, you will be able to find all the events and activities that WE Evolution | Vital Voices have programmed for the next months. Don’t miss...
What It Takes to Be a Leader
After all these years working with female leaders around the world, from different organizations, industries and cultures, I learned that there is a common denominator, in spite of all the differences and special traits. This denominator made me re-think and recognize...
Must-Ask Questions When You Meet a Mentor
Based on my own experience as a mentor and a mentee, the following list summarizes the most effective questions that you can ask to your mentor: 1. What was the best decision you have ever made? What was the worst? 2. What is the one thing you would have wanted to...
The Combatting Power of Mentoring: Fighting Invisible Barriers at Work
Lidia Heller, often in charge of training sessions that Vital Voices offers, proposes forging relationships between mentors and mentees, and she introduces the gender perspective. According to her, the process requires the participants to agree on the mentoring goals...
A Special Thanks to all Mentors
Without having any previous knowledge about mentoring, it turns out that I have had mentors since the beginning of my professional career. A mentor is a person who guides you, directs you and gives you advice on your professional development. It is a person with whom...